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Levantine Arabic, made easier

Jun 21, 2021

Paola Atallah, worked in large companies for a couple of years until  she started feeling tensions and pain in her body. But very quickly yoga became a genuine lifestyle.

What struck me about Paola's website and her social media platforms was her determination to use and speak ONLY in Arabic. This is very rare in today's world. 

Watch Paola's reel with different yoga positions in Arabic:


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20 Vocabulary picks: 

1. Aghlab / أغلب: Most

2. Ma Khaso / ما خاصه: Not related 

3. Di2et nafes / دقة نفس: Shortness of breathe 

4. Wad3iyet / وضعيات: Positions 

5. Waja3 b el-jesim / وجع بالجسم: Body pains 

6. Manasah / منصة: Platform 

7. Ymerso / يمارسو: They practice 

8. Yshterko / يشتركو: They participate 

9. Jeze2 / جزء: Part 

10. Ta3dilet / تعديلات: Adjustments 

11. As3ar Minkhefdah / أسعار منخفضة: Discounted-low prices

12. Gherbeh / غربة: Expatriation 

13. Asemeh el-wad3iyet / أسامي الوضعيات: Position names

14. Emkenyeh / امكانية: Possibility 

15. Ytab2oha / يطبقها: To put it together 

16. Na2es / نقص: Shortage 

17. 7ayalah shi / حيلة شي: Anything 

18. Thaqafte / ثقافتي: My culture 

19. Tarjamah / ترجمة: Translation 

20. Shar3iyeh / شرعية: Legal or official 


Music by: Stay Young

by Nick Petrov